With the popularity of Gin on the increase, the predominant Rum and Vodka drinking team here at Oh Hey Beaut decided to delve into the world of Gin.
The English invented Gin, and we find although many famous Gins are from England it took them 150 years before they had their own version. It was invented by the Dutch and only discovered by the English when they were fighting the Thirty Years’ War in the 17th Century in Holland. Dutch soldiers would drink it to boost morale before heading into battle, and as far back as the 13th century, it is documented that Gin was used for medicinal purposes.
Many people start an evening out with a straight shot to savour the flavours of the spirit, exercising the rule of holding the drink in your mouth for at least 3 seconds to recognise its distilled brilliance. This way you can appreciate the juniper berry as the chief botanical flavour, otherwise, the spirit would just be a hit vodka, we’ve recently discovered.
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Distilling with botanicals such as juniper during the production process is what differentiates Gin.
It’s only right to try the classic Gin and Tonic. A popular option is 1 part Gin to 3 parts tonic water. Ice cubes are added to the glass followed by the Gin, a small wedge of lemon and then the tonic water poured over, garnished with a slice of lemon to complete this classic.
It’s fun to ‘shake things up’ with the iconic Martini, as this original favourite was originally made with Gin until Smirnoff along with James Bond helped Vodka pinch its place. You can make them stirred not shaken, first adding ice to the cocktail stirring glass, followed by 1 part Vermouth, continuing to stir whilst adding 4 parts Gin to the mixture for 45 seconds.
Now chilled and slightly diluted strain this wonder into a Martini glass for full effect/affect and pop in a signature green olive to garnish.
There are plenty of flavoured gins, including pink Gin and spiced flavours. If you love a sweet option, try some pinky drinkies. Its fruity flavours are pleasant and if you’re a person who has a sweet tooth much like myself, then this Gin is a must for you. With flavours ranging from your classic strawberry and raspberry to rhubarb, there’s plenty of choice for a nice drink with a sweet kick.
Check out these fun Gin gift ideas!