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  • Right on Bright

    Would you love to experiment in the brightest of shades? Now’s your chance to invest in that palette you’ve always dreamed of. Not only are popping colour combinations all over Instagram but on the Spring / Summer 19 catwalks of Rodarte, Erdem, Marc Jacob’s, with sweeping solid colours across the eye, including yellow, blue and […]

  • Instagrammable Brushes

    No matter whether you love soft & sparkly, or fluffy & decorative, we all have a selection of brushes we use daily. From eyeshadow to blusher to that all-important highlighter brush, adorning our dressing tables with a sparkle or two. It’s time to update your bristle-game to the instagrammable brushes taking Instagram by storm! At […]

  • Getting Steamy… the flower facial you need

    Flower facial – Revive your skin!

    The dried flowers through the transparent packaging, caught my eye straight away when I was browsing the beauty shelves.I was intrigued and had to know more… I use face masks and sheet masks as part of my weekly beauty regime (or when I have a chance to beautify!) … so when I saw ‘facial steam’ printed on the front in large letters, this made me curious. The back of the packaging states the formulated flowers helps to eliminate impurities and balance skin, and I’m sure we could all do with that, am I right?!

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  • Wake up tanned… James Reed Face Mask

    Tanned & Glam, that suntan glow all year round!

    When browsing the beauty shelves, the gleaming gold stripes caught my eye, furthering my interest were the words ‘Sleep Tan Mask’. I love appearing to have a holiday glow all year round, I seem to look and feel younger and more vibrate, so the opportunity of waking up with an effortless tan felt very appealing.

  • 5 Tips for staying Glam during a flight

    Dishelved? Not with our OHB guide to staying fresh & glam!

    As we all know when travelling by plane, we are limited by the 100ml liquid regulation, squashing our dreams of filling out carry-ons with the most precious makeup essentials that we don’t want to arrive crushed from being thrown around in the baggage hold.

    Who doesn’t love holidays and going on long haul flights to far away destinations? But it’s frustrating being limited on having only a few favourite products by your side.